What if there were a better way to manage a child’s behavior challenges?
The primary reason so many parents struggle with their child’s unpredictable behaviors (longer than they should be) is often because they have been told to work on “discipline” with their children, take pills, or accept that it’s “an age thing” and their child will “grow out of it”. Can you relate?
​Sensory challenges can cause behavior problems.
Take our Sensory Quiz to see if your child's challenges are sensory based!
Your child is smart, but not doing well in the classroom.
Your child can run or do gymnastics, but is having trouble sitting still and focusing.
They may be having trouble with handwriting, continence, keeping hands to themselves, or participating in sports.
Occupational therapy at Moving Parts Therapy provides solutions for Sensory Challenges!
There are a lot of little things that concern you about your child...
They aren't that bad and no one else seems overly concerned about them...
We specialize in helping kids that have sensory challenges but no other diagnosis who cannot get therapy services at school!
Welcome to Moving Parts Therapy Services!
Now also providing our services to adults! Call for details!
"We’ve been bringing my son here for 6 months and is a completely different kiddo! Mary has been so patient with him, has wonderful recommendation and is helping my son be the best little boy he can be. I would highly recommend Moving Parts therapy as you will get a very personal experience everytime!" -D. Houshour
“The initial paperwork was super easy. We love 1:1 attention in a quiet calm space. They take the time to get to know my son and understand what motivates him. I love seeing the progress he is making through play and fun. He is always excited for OT days! -C. Uhlenbrauck
“I like that we have the same appointment times every week and that they do their best to accommodate our schedule. I like that I can communicate by email, especially for getting started. They are professional, knowledgeable, friendly and willing to answer any and all questions.” – K. Knuppel
“My son has made amazing progress! Everything done with him is work and serves a very specific purpose, but to him it’s all a fun game. As his mom, I’ve also learned a ton about how to help my son and why he struggles with certain things so I am better able to help him. It’s helped us grow closer. It’s also translated to school and helping with concerns teachers have. My son is now thriving!” -M. Deuster
Areas of Expertise
Postural Core Strength
Sensory Processing
Primitive Reflex Integration
Eye hand coordination
Bilateral integration
Fine motor coordination
Visual Skills
Certified in toilet training
Challenges addressed
Sensory processing challenges
Dyspraxia/Motor Planning
Sitting Still
Who Do We See?
Age 3 yrs thru adult
This is How We Do It
The goal of occupational therapy intervention is to improve success in school, work, home and the community.
Occupational Therapy improves skills in “occupations” which may include handwriting, focus, transitions, play, organization, work, eating, and dressing skills as well as other things. We do this through focus on fine motor skills, visual and perceptual skills, core strength, primitive reflex integration, bilateral coordination and sensory-motor integration. We are Certified in toilet training.
In our clinic we work to balance therapeutic play-exercise aimed at the child with education and support for their parents. By developing relationships with not only our children but also with their parents, we are able to make more change. In addition to the improved function of the child, our goal is for parents to leave our clinic with the tools to support to them. For adults, we provide education and active therapeutic treatment to reach your goals.
Parents can expect to be intimately involved in treatment and are present during sessions. All caregivers are encouraged to be a part of treatment. Sessions often include time spent collaborating with families.
Our individual sessions are 35-40 minutes in length. Generally, treatment plans are 24 months in duration. Families often choose to stay longer depending on their goals and frequency of therapy attendance. Home exercise programs are tailored to each family's needs and ability to complete. This would be discussed upon completion of the evaluation. We provide services 2-3 times per week in order to achieve neurological improvement, so that therapy is no longer needed.
*minimum attendance of twice per week for the first 6 months is required, but 12-24 months is recommended*
The first appointment is 60 minute evaluation session in which we establish goals and a treatment plan. Depending on the type of service you are receiving, you and your therapist will develop a treatment plan focused on your areas of concern. During all evaluative sessions the caregivers are present for kids. Evaluative sessions will be a combination of standardized testing, caregiver interview, structured observation.
Primitive Reflex Integration
Primitive reflexes are involuntary motor responses originating in the brainstem present after birth in early child development that facilitate survival. These central nervous system motor responses are eventually inhibited by 6 months of age as the brain matures and replaces them with voluntary motor activities. The problem is that this integration or phasing out of reflexes doesn't happen on it's own for some kids. Instead they retain these reflexes, but it's usually not obvious that they have. The reflexes continue to appear in subtle ways, and cause all sorts of challenges for a child.
Handwriting evaluations are about everything that contributes to forming the letters. Writing requires visual coordination, postural core strength, crossing midline skills, fine motor coordination, hand strength, and more. If your child has sloppy handwriting, has difficulty correctly forming letters or has trouble properly holding a pencil, they may benefit from occupational therapy for handwriting problems
Is child's handwriting:
Sloppy or illegible?
Significantly different from their peers’?
Does your child avoid writing tasks?
Is it more than just a matter of paying more attention, focusing, and slowing down rather than rushing through an assignment to get it done?
If you think your child is having problems with handwriting:
Find out if their teacher has similar concerns
Find out how you can support them at home
Not helping enough? It's time for an occupational therapy evaluation.
What will the O.T. evaluate?
Postural core strength
Bilateral coordination and crossing midline skills
Visual skills
Fine motor coordination
Motor planning skills
Challenges for kids with poor handwriting:
Lower grades and test scores
How Occupational Therapy can help:
Develop a plan specific to your child
Provide strategies to improve handwriting
Improve underlying skills that are causing the handwriting problems through specific strength, coordination and visual activities.
Moving Parts Therapy LLC's handwriting therapy:
Parent attends sessions with child
Generally, sessions are 2-3 times per week
Each session is 35-40 minutes long
Insurance can cover some of the cost. see our Getting Starting page for insurance information.